Friday, 13 December 2013

Tribute to Pastor OLu Arijesudade by Pst C. O Oluwadare

A Glorious exit! Pastor Samuel Oluwabusuyi AriJesudade (President of Christ Apostolic Church Students’ Asscociation) departed from this sinful world at about 4pm on the 10th of December, 2013. He has gone to be with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor AriJesudade fondly called ‘Baba’ or Baba AriJesudade is truly a father to many Generals of Faith and a mentor par excellence. He was a great leader not in terms of world acclamation or wealth accumulation but in terms of warrior affirmation; his name bears credence to this assertion (formerly Arogundade but now AriJesudade). He fought against sin and led the battle against religious perjury and won. Baba epitomized humility, forgiveness, total surrendered life, heaven-mindedness, contention for the faith of our fathers, unalloyed truth and contentment.

He cared not for earthly riches but preferred the incorruptible riches embedded in soul winning. He cared not for earthly title or position for he knew that earthly position will fizzle away in eternity. He lived in an earthly cottage with his eyes on the heavenly mansion that is not made with hands.

O! What a great loss to those of us who were privileged to be mentored by him; what a loss to CAC Mission and to the world at large (though unknown by the world). Truly, we have lost a rare gem. CACSA family, what shall we do in a time like this? Shall we mourn or make merriment? Certainly we cannot mourn because to be with the Lord is better (2 Cor. 5:6-9). We have the consolation of the Spirit that he has gone to be with the Lord (I Thess. 4: 13, 14). If truly we love Baba, we should not mourn for him. He held the fort to the end, his faith was undiluted, and he did not lose the conviction of his calling. We thank God for the life well spent in soul winning and selfless service to humanity.

Shall we therefore be merry? Certainly No! My answer may seem equivocal; the reason being that the leadership crown of thorns worn by Baba AriJesudade, who shall wear it? Who shall be the next leader of our great CACSA family? Who will lift the banner high with the inscription- “Christ leads, we follow”? Who shall restore the lost glory of Christ Apostolic Church? These are the questions that agitate my mind and amidst these mixed feelings I find myself. With man, answers to these puzzles are a bit difficult but with God there shall be solution. Though our leader (Baba AriJesudade) has gone, yet our Captain (Christ) still leads and we must follow. Till we meet Baba at Christ’s feet in heaven, we shall keep learning at Christ’s feet on earth.

In times like these when we lost three great men (Prophet Obadare, Pastor Ogunlade and Pastor AriJesudade) of highest hierarchy in CAC fold within a space of nine months (all in the Year 2013), won’t we seek the face of God to restore the glory of the Church and rain righteousness upon us.

Amidst these mixed feelings I greet CACSA family ‘A ku ara fe ara ku ojo a jinna sira.’ I want to rest my pen, bow my knees in prayer and also say Adieu! Baba AriJesudade.

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